This week was a close call weather-wise! All week it called for rain. In the end, we took a chance and decided to go out to the field. Fortunately for us, the rain held and we were able to tie up some loose ends. Most notable, we found a flag from the Phase I survey. This was great because it gave us a reference point so we could check whether our work fit our estimation of the location of Site 7. We were pretty close but needed to lay in about 6 more shovel tests in order to truly sign-off Site 7.
Our feature in Site 4 became more of a puzzler the further we excavated. Still not sure what is going on. What this a piece of farm equipment left lying around that stained the soil? Or is this an object that rusted away? Lot of bits of rust are coming out of the ground but none of them clear as to their origin.

Finally, check out this cool hand-wrought nail we found!