Finally this week we had everyone in the field. This was great because it meant there were enough of us to break into three shovel test crews. Each crew took a line and we progressed into the woods of site 4. Site 4 was recommended for further testing by Richard Grubb & Associates, the CRM firm that conducted the Phase I survey. It was listed as a historic site and that was immediately confirmed by our finds in the field. This week we found redware, creamware, and tin-glazed ceramic as well as window glass, brick, coal and slag. For the students, every find was super-exciting! We wrapped up the day having made it to STP 10 for each line; good progress!

The other big news of the week was that Alex is leaving us for her new job in Boston. This week was her final one at Whispering Woods. We gave her a card, balloons, and toasted her with donuts. It was bittersweet – happy for her but sad for us. You will be missed, Alex! Thank you for all you’ve done for this project and for the positive impact you’ve made in the lives of our students.