December 5th was our last class for the 2014 season. Our aim was for students to look up some of our artifacts (creamware, the musket ball, the hand-wrought nail, etc) from Site 7 to find possible dates and other useful information. We also turned it into a little bit of a party, with a roaring fire (on the projector), egg nog, and other snacks. A good time was had by all – and a productive time, too. The students found several excellent resources. Information on our artifact finds for Site 7 will be posted soon!

Planning has begun for the Spring semester. Four of the Fall students will be returning: Jessica, Sam, Levi, & Arthur, and they will now act as mentors to the new students. So far, we have 13 total registered! Also to plan is both a spring-break intensive field school and a four-week summer field school. More information on those coming up in the spring!